Minggu, 06 November 2011

AMT 2011!

This is my journal(-_-) oke. In this posting, i will tell you about my experience in AMT. by the way, Bu Tina this is my project!

Thusrday, October 27th 2011 is the first day of AMT. AMT is Achievement Motivation Training. in first day, we had a diagnostic test. diagnostic test is the test to test our ability in the subject of national exam. there are 4 subjects, mathematics, english, science, and Bahasa Indonesia. after we had diagnostic test, we met with four people who had attended in SMP Labschool Jakarta. they are a young bussinesman, a presenter, a young doctor, and a young bankir. oh yeah, on that day all events in Labschool.

Friday, October 28th 2011. the second day. in the morning, we went to Grand Pesona Hotel, Bogor. okey i don't know that hotel in Bogor or Sukabumi-______-
the first training is from Mr. SGM. SGM is super great memory. in this training, we taught how to make a mind mapping. and then we make a simple mind mapping. this day we had a career day too. the career figure is Dik Doank. and you know what.... he is very cool!!! oke stop. the second training is from Mr Aris Ahmad Jaya. we had met Mr Aris Ahmad Jaya when we fisrt school at SMP Labschool Jakarta. the third training is from Mr Aris, but not Mr Aris Ahmad Jaya-_-

Saturday, October 29th 2011. what date? 29. right. and what is that? wakakakka never mind-,- breakfast. the all of student (male) jumping into a swimming pool that many insect. if the swimming pool clean, i want to join them-_- in this day, we had training from Mr Rosiman. he ask many question. and then we made a "proposal hidup". proposal hidup is our target for present and future. and then we standing on chairs and shout it out loud. very touching. okeeyy and then we back to Jakartaaaaaaaaaa

oke this is my experience. how about you?


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